Changing Cambodia 2015-2016

Changing Cambodia is a really big, deep, and meaningful word. For myself no matter how big or how small the change is it still change Cambodia. When I was born I dream to change Cambodia. I think not only me who dream like that. Every Cambodian people dream to change Cambodia. Choosing real potential children that future will change Cambodia that what Liger Learning Center do. This year I think I making more changes compare to last year. So now I would like to list down what are my changes and explain.

Phnong Indigenous Minority- The biggest I’ve make in this Exploration is creating a two langue book that describe the life of Phnong people. This book is already publish and this book helps to preserve the culture and the tradition of Phnong Indigenous Minority. Inside the book there full of information about the forest, culture, tradition, believes, life style etc, of Phnong people. To be one of the members that involves with making the books I do felt really happy and proud of myself. To create a book is not an easy thing to do. You need to go and interview people to gather true information and putting all the data together. It difficult but me and the whole group can achieve it. I finally think that this power book is enough to help preserved that culture and tradition of the Phnong Indigenous Minority.

Crime in Cambodia- One of the biggest change I’ve made in this Exploration is creating the manual the laws system in Cambodia. Not every Cambodian students know about the laws system in Cambodia. If students want to learn about the law system, the court system it difficult for them because normally the information is written for adults to read. But for this manual is written by kids for students and adults. Also in this Exploration we make the video about the illegal fishing in Cambodia. This video is telling the true about how big issues now in Cambodia about the illegal fishing and what can government help to solve the problem. Generally in this Exploration the changes I’ve make just creating the manual and video that describe the laws system in Cambodia and the illegal fishing in Kep Ocean. Sharing the information to other people is increasing the other people knowledge which I called change.

Cookbook- In this Exploration the main idea is to create the cookbook for the senior students. To be in the designing team I help to design the layout of the book. This book now is only for Liger but soon if this cookbook really work our team will share it to the public. This book is full of traditional Cambodia food and foreign food. If this book is out in the public I think it will be a grateful resources for Cambodian people to use. I think working in this team make me becomes an agent that help preserving tradition food of Cambodia.

Games Around the World- This Exploration don’t really much about learning and understanding the concept. But this it one of the fun Exploration I’ve taken this year. This Exploration is about finding outdoor games from many parts of the world and especially Cambodia. The changes I made in the whole Exploration is about making the blog that share to everyone in the world. This blog helps sharing the outdoor games from one place to another. I don’t know much about outdoor games in Africa or South America but I can go into the blog and learn about it. Also I can share the tradition outdoor games of Cambodia to the world. The funniest this I did in the Exploration is about learning and playing new games from Africa, Europe, America etc,.

Entrepreneurship- This is the last Exploration for me. In this Exploration I learn many skills about how to becomes a successful entrepreneur and how to start a well working business. After learning in this Exploration I think I have the basic and I believe in myself that I can start my own small business. Even though the chili sauce business don’t really work but I think it still a good business. My main role in this Exploration is in the food development team. It is so fun and I really happy to cook the chili sauce for the team to sale. One of the change I made in this Exploration is to increasing my family economy. I used the knowledge I learn in this Exploration about added value so I tell my mom to change her business for a bit. Usually my mom sell drinks and almost every store in the high school sell drinks. But I told my mom about learning the Entrepreneurship and tell my mom to buys staffs that difference from other store and is popular. Then it work, I felt really and a really thankful to JEFF.B.

Google Science Fair- This year is my first time to join the GSF. My project is to used the steam to create electricity. As most of Liger students know this objects helps Cambodian people who’s cooking rice and boil water to charge their cell phone and have the light while cooking. Even though it this year it still the theory but I believe it will make a huge changes to Cambodian people.

Games Around the World

This is the Exploration about Games around the world. In the seventh weeks I am working on gathering different games from different countries around the world by sending google form to schools and do a online research. Our goal is to make a blog and share all the different games people play, including the rules, the number of people needed and step by step instructions.

We get learn different games from different part of the world. Every game has it uniqueness that encompass the fun, collaborate, determination, and critical thinking. I felt so happy to learn all those games and is honored to share it to other people through making a blog. 

50 Change Agents

In the literacy class, we are learning about different type of poems. This is a sonnet poem that talk about the 50 change agents of Cambodia. 


There are 50 students stay at Liger.
Menghuoth, Vornsar, Panha, Sokea, Rithy
Somphors, Kimseng, Marady, Samnang girl
Rathanak, Sreyneang.o, Seyha, Hongly

Davith, David, Dalin, Sreynith, Vannou
Vattey, Sythong, Mengthong, Visal, Kanha
Chimean, Puthea, Maya, Liday, Vitou
Sammy, Niron, Nilroth, Neat, Malika

Samady, Sopor, Sreypich, Neang, Theara
Makara, Chhoue, Sophat, Sopheak, Nary
Sreyleap, Thiny, Souyeth, Venghour, Ketya
Lux we almost forget Mr. Vuthy

All the students really enjoy Liger
With all the staffs and facilitators.

So Sorry About It

In Khmer class, we learn different ways to write different type of letter. We learn how to write a request, happy, sad and other letter in Khmer. As an example, this is the letter from me to my friends depressingly that her brother passed away. 




បូ ចាន់មិនា កល្យាណមិត្ត

 ក្នុងនាមខ្ញុំផ្តាល់និងជាមិត្តរួមថ្នាក់ ព្រមទាំងជាមិត្តរួមសាលាខ្ញុំបាទសូមសំដែងនូវសេចក្តីសោកស្តាយយ៉ាងធំធេង ចំពោះការបាត់បង់ប្អូនប្រុសកាណារបស់មិត្ត។ រូបខ្ញុំសូមសំដែងនូវការក្រៀមក្រំនិងចូលរួមរំលែកទុក្ខជាមួយក្រុមគ្រួសាររបស់មិត្តផង។

ភ្ជាប់មកជាមួយនិងលិខិតនេះ ខ្ញុំបាទចូលចាប់មគ្គផលក្នុងការធ្វើបុណ្យបញ្ជូនកុសលផលបុណ្យទៅប្អូនប្រុសចំនួន៥ពាន់រៀល។ សូមព្រលឹងប្អូនប្រុសអញ្ជើញទៅកាន់សុគតិភពកុំបីខាន។



កំពង់ស្ពឺ ថ្ងៃទី២០ ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ២០១៥



Blender Blend

On every Monday and Tuesday I spend an hour learning about designing object from Blender. Blender is application that we can design our own objects. Blender gives us many option to choose so I encourage everyone to use Blender.

Minion is the first object that I designed using Blender. 


My Minion


Minion pic
This is the photo that I try to make my minion look like

The Carbon Cycle Excursion

This is the second book that I wrote. It is about the carbon cycle. It took my partner and I about a month in order to finish the process. We start of by choosing our favorite subject to write. Fortunately, we both boiled the topic and finally decided to choose carbon cycle. In the book, we wrote a story of a character named Carbon, and it journey through the cycle. We need to draw our own pictures. After finish with all the writing and the editing, we use Blurb Book-Write as a platform to display our book. become a unit edited



another bamboo editededited bamboo


eat bamboo edited

dead elephant edited


elephant decomposed


Carbon go back edited (1)



mango tree edited


whole cycle edited
The whole process of Carbon Cycle
Soft cover editd

Liger Senior’s Cookbook

In this class, we are working on creating a cookbook that can be use in our school. Soon, the seniors will cook their own meal and this book will be so helpful for them. 

I am working on designing the book layout. After the recipes crew finish cooking, they will send us the final recipes in a paper form, then I will put them in the book. We started the book with Blurb Bookwright. After we put the recipes in the book then I will receive the photo from the photography group. Everyday I receive about 150-200 photos. My challenge is to choose the specific and the best photos of the recipes out of 100 photos. In the book the layout is similar. There the main title, ingredients, directions, cool tips, history, nutritional facts, main photo, other photo. Each week our whole team came together and review the whole book (is the layout good or not). After 3-4 week we just find out the is really hard to print the book in Cambodia using the program Blurb Book-wright, so we decided to print our book in Adobe In-design. So, I need to transform the file into Adobe In-design. 

I am really proud of myself that I can be apart of this team with creating the amazing cookbook that would benefit me and the others.  



I really love cooking and tasting the food.

Making the Veggie Cake
Making the Veggie Cake
The Final Product of Veggie Cake

Engineering with Natural Disasters

I have a very strong passion in science. Moreover, I am satisfying learning about natural disaster. This is my first Independent Discovery and it about how engineer have improve the technology in order to prevent or stop the harmfulness of natural disasters.

I have discovered that there is a technology in Japan that can protect the city from getting affected. The technology is called Twin Wing Tsunami Barrier. Also, there is a system called Tsunami Warning System, which warn the citizens about any information about the tsunami disasters.  


If you want to explore more into it, please check the link below:

Twin Wing Tsunami Barrier:

Tsunami Waning System:

What is tsunami and does it occur:

Ministry Day

On 12/01/15 Liger Learning Center there a big event about sharing what special and sharing the Liger curriculum to 34 high school directors in Phnom Penh and some people from the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport. Every students have their own sections to presents about. I am working in Red room with the subject about STEAM activities. There also 5 other friends who working on STEAM activities. My speech is about the objective of sharing STEAM activities, introduction of the past STEAM event, painting challenge and built the boat challenge. In this section 90% of the sharing is in Khmer.

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Objective of sharing STEAM activities

To share practical ideas of STEAM activities for government schools.

  • Resource light activities across different ages and group sizes
  • Ways to motivate schools throughout the country to engage students
  • Ideas for on how to encourage communication and interaction between different schools
  • Examples of STEAM activities for Government School

Introduction of the past STEAM event

In Liger we do a lot STEAM activities. At the end of the November the a big events about STEAM activities that includes painting, performance, Rube Goldberg Machine, Scratch.

Painting Challenge

This is the painting challenge. Students were divided into groups and painting on the big painting board. Students have to includes at least two or more STEAM activities in their painting. For my team we includes technology and engineering. I felt really happy to join this events. This events giving me more skills about painting, working with my partner, thinking and creativity.

Build the boat challenge

  • Students use natural resources (sticks, leaves, rocks, no plastic) to build a boat
  • After designing and building their boats, students can compete to see which boat can float the longest or carry the heaviest weights
  • This activity is culturally relevant as boats are in important part of many peoples lives in Cambodia.
  • Learning outcomes include buoyancy and propulsion, and science, engineering, and art.


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I felt really happy that this events is happened. I share a lot about STEAM and I hope there will be other events that similar to this and I am sure that all the directors were proud of us too. 

my pic



How Fast Can You Go?

On Friday in our Math class we been learning about the formula of the speed of sound and the speed of light. The speed of light is about 300,000,000 miles per second and the speed of sound is about 340.29 miles per second. So our teacher gave students a homework about finding the favorite city and the distance between the city to Phnom Penh. Then calculate the speed how much time it take to the favorite city start from Phnom Penh using the speed of sound and the speed of light. I finally choose to go to Chicago.

Now look at this:

Distance from Phnom Penh to Chicago is 13929 km. In the speed of sound we take about 11.37 hours and the speed of light we take about 0.04643 second.

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