This I Believe My Love In Playing Basketball_Literacy Project


Basketball is love, and basketball is life. It is my passion and it means everything to me. The court with the basket is my home. I believe in playing basketball.


The ball and I share an unsplittable bond. During the practises and games, the ball might go off my hands, but instead, that is what making me wanted to get it back. When I have the ball in my hands, I would be like a chicken chasing predator away to protect it chicks.


“I guard the ball, guard your man guys, get set. ” I really loves how we communicate closely together in playing basketball. When we play together, we are in one family even though we are not that closed outside of the court. We speaks to each other, while giving suggestion and giving feedback. I had never ever felt so comfortable and warm in playing other sport except playing this. “Keep it up, go, you can do this, and don’t worry about taking shot.” Those encouraging words is what brings everyone together as a team and stand up against the other. Those positive words is what moving us forward with confidence and collaboration. Those empowering words is what making us individual a better players. I believe that these are not just words, but the hidden meaning of loves deeply inside it, is what making it so special and yes through playing basketball.   


I am not only playing basketball, but what make it more special to me is that, I am also watching basketball, the National Basketball Association (NBA). I am a young fan of the Golden State Warriors which is in the west conference. Usually, I spend my free time watching my team played and trying to follow the style that my idol Wardell Stephen Curry did with his shooting, passing, faking, and dribbling. It has really inspired me to play more and most important, is to practise more and setting my own goal of becoming a better player in the future. I remember one time when the Warriors play against Utah Jazz and the time remaining less than one second then he just make a shoot back at the half court and beat the buzzer. After watching that shoot, I really want to become like him one day which make me more an ambitious person and not afraid with missed shot. One time he said “ I can’t say enough, how important my faith is to how I play the game and who I am.” I have been heard many quotes similar to this, but I think that this quote is the most special. Playing and watching basketball means so much to me and I believe that basketball is part of my identity.


I never ever going to forget the memories of playing basketball. I used to be so frustrated before playing, and after training and when I stepped out of the court, I forget all the sadness and bad things happening to me. I forget about the doing my stressful homework that may lift my grade up to at least 90% in average. I forget about my best friends borrowing my money which making so mad when their haven’t returned it yet. I forget about my brother eating my apple without asking when I left it in the fridge. I forget about doing my house chores and accepted blames from my housemate. I forget about everything. The one things that I am going to do is finding my socks and putting on my tennis shoes. Then running to the court, grab a ball and practise my shooting. I used to be so afraid of making shot. In practise, I try so hard to make shot again and again. Every weekend, I at least spend 2-3 hours practising shooting. I fall, my arms hurt, I made ugly shot, but I still moving on. I believe that the passion and effort I’ve put in playing this is what lift me back up. I started to make good shot, and better handle with the ball. This is not only my passion, but it is my safe zone. I love when I make a basket, and my coach yelled, “Bucket, let’s go Somp.” I can’t say this enough, and I love everything about basketball. I believe in my love in basketball.

Independent Discovery- Math and Khanacademy

For every Tuesday 1:00 to 2:00 pm I have a class called the Independent Discovery. I used this class to worked on math questions, prepare for math quiz, working on Khanacademy, learning for the upcoming lessons. This class is really helpful for me because I learned more about math and I feel more prepared when ever there is an random upcoming quiz.

This is just a simple example of a activities I did:


How Fast Can You Go?

On Friday in our Math class we been learning about the formula of the speed of sound and the speed of light. The speed of light is about 300,000,000 miles per second and the speed of sound is about 340.29 miles per second. So our teacher gave students a homework about finding the favorite city and the distance between the city to Phnom Penh. Then calculate the speed how much time it take to the favorite city start from Phnom Penh using the speed of sound and the speed of light. I finally choose to go to Chicago.

Now look at this:

Distance from Phnom Penh to Chicago is 13929 km. In the speed of sound we take about 11.37 hours and the speed of light we take about 0.04643 second.

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Traveling Different Places Teaches Me How To Appreciate My Province

This is a project in my literacy class. We are writing our own memoir story that related to our life and that change our life. For me, I learn to appreciate different places and especially, when I went to different places in Cambodia, I can find the differences between each places. 

I had put the story into a more stylish platform where everyone in the world can access to. If you want to read my stories, please click on the link below:



I Go To An Unusual School

I go to an unusual school. My unusual name Liger Learning Center which in Cambodia. Cambodia is a country which located in the South East Asia. Also have Thailand, Vietnam, Lao as a neighbor countries. Cambodia have many heritage such as Angkor Wat, Preah Vihear Temple and other temples. Cambodia has 24 provinces and one capital city called Phnom Penh. Phnom Penh is where my unusual school located. Even though our school located in Cambodia but what we learn or our subjects and rules mostly different from the government school. Our school is a boarding school which most students come from the province, so they sleep in the school. We walked with barefoot, so it also different from other schools in the world. We take classes that special such as Exploration, Expertise, Essential. Now let me express more about those special classes. Exploration came from the words explore and learning. Exploration is the seven weeks of class. In the class we’ll learn about the topics and explore it out of campus. The goals of Exploration are to understand a lot about topics and share it with friends or communities. Here comes the Expertise. Expertise is what we learn everyday. Expertise means to learn somethings and be an expert on the skill. Essential mean classes like Literacy, STEM, Khmer, Mathematic etc.

Red Genius Speaking Car

This is apart of our literacy class. We are practicing our writing skill. We are writing a imagination story that start with “One time” then continue the story.  

Here is my story:

One morning I woke up and to my surprize I saw a luxury Chevrolet Camaro near my bed. Then I told the Camaro that I am going to call you buddy. The Camaro promised me that he will be the best speaking car ever. I drove the car to Kampong Spue to meet my mom. I didn’t really drive the car, that red genius speaking car drove itself to my hometown with me giving him the coordinates on the world map. Once I reached my hometown I showed my mom the red genius speaking car and she loved it. We have an idea of showing this red genius speaking car to Seyha. So he can make more of the car to give and sell to other people it would cost a lot of money but the result will be awesome. This car was famous. They showed in the TV, radio and newspaper. Then every person in the world know about Chevrolet Camaro. The result was I can have a lot of money and famous and Chevrolet Camaro have a lot of friends because every family in the world had at least one Chevrolet Camaro.

rd genous speaking car

Who am I?

I am 13.
I have two brothers.
I live in Kampong Speu Province.
Now I learn in Liger Learning Center.
I love reading books.
My favorite book is
James and the Giant Peach.
Football is my favorite sport.
I love learning Literacy, Mathematics and Chemistry.
In the future I want to be a doctor.
My goal is to change Cambodia to become a developed country.
Be yourself
Accept yourself
Value yourself
Forgive yourself
Trust yourself
Love yourself
Bless yourself
Express yourself
Empower yourself
These words always change my perspective.

“To Keep You Is No Benefit, To Destroy You Is No Loss”_Pol Pot

In 17, April 1975, Khmer Rouge took control over Cambodia. In only three years, one fourth of the whole Cambodian population died by starvation, sickness, executed and tortured. Cambodian were forced to work almost twelve hours a day with very little of food. Cambodia, the country with the increasing economy has fall down at the lowest point of it history. Almost all intellectual and those who are talented and skilled were killed. 

This poem is talking about the dark regime of Khmer Rouge and the briefly about the lives of Cambodian during that  time. 

ខ្មែរក្រហម​ (សម្ផស្ស)


ប៉ុលពតជាមនុស្សចិត្តអប្រិយ                    ​​ ប្រល័យជនស្លូតត្រង់កម្ពុជា

ឲ្យពួកគេរស់ទាំងវេទនា                             ព្រាត់ប្រាស់គ្នី្នគ្នាក្នុងគ្រួសារ។

ពុកម៉ែព្រាត់កូនប្រពន្ធព្រាត់ប្តី               ​     លំបាកពេកក្រៃក្នុងវត្តសង្សា

បីឆ្នាំប្រាំបីខែម្ភៃថ្ងៃណា                              ដួងចិត្តខ្លោចផ្សារគ្មានល្ហែល្ហើយ ។

ធ្វើការរាល់ថ្ងៃគ្មានពេលឈប់                    ទាំងថ្ងៃទាំងយប់មិនដែលស្បើយ

ទោះឈឺឬជាត្រូវធ្វើ​បង្ហើយ                        គ្មានថ្ងៃណាស្បើយក្នុងជិវិត    ។

ដំណាំដាំដុសច្រើនពេកក្រៃ                       ពិបាកហឫ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ទ័យជារឿងពិត

ចង់ញ៉ាំអ្វីៗគេពិនិត្យ                                   ស្ទើរក្ស័យជីវិតពេលធ្វើខុស   ។

៧៩ថ្ងៃ៧ខែមករា                                       ជនជាតិខេមរាបានស្រស់បស់

មិនថាស្រីប្រុសឬកំលោះ                           បានរួចទាំងអស់ពីមរណា       ។

ដោយសារតែគុណ៧មករា                        បង្កើតសាលាឲ្យសិក្សា

ឲ្យអ្នកទាំងអស់មានប្រាជ្ញា                         មិនខ្វះទេណាអ្នកពូកែ​​​            ។

Khmer Poem (Getting Homesick)

This is apart of what we are doing now in Khmer class. We are learning how to write Khmer Poem and implement those concepts. Here is one of it. It is about how I get homesick when I came to learn here in Liger. It includes the memories that I had done with my family at home. If you can read Khmer, I believe it can be an emotional poem. 



ពេលបានមករៀននៅLiger ក្នុងចិត្តរង្គើរចង់ជួបប៉ា
ហើយថែមទាំងជួបម៉ាក់ផងណា នៅស្រែនោះណាឆ្ងាយអើយឆ្ងាយ។

នាខែកត្កិក​ធ្លាប់ធ្វើការ មិនឲ្យម៉ាក់ប៉ាគាត់ខ្វល់ខ្វាយ
ច្រូតកាត់ដកស្ទូងមិននឿយនាយ មិនខ្វល់ខ្វាយគ្រឿងញៀនកញ្ចា។

ពេលនៅសាលាLigerវិញ ចិត្តខ្ញុំទន្ទិញចង់ធ្វើការ
តែនេះមិនដូចស្រែទេណា ​សូម្បីសាលាក៏ខុសគ្នា។

ម៉ាក់ខ្ញុំបានប្រាប់ខ្លួនខ្ញុំថា សម្ភស្សអើយណាកុំគ្រាំគ្រា
យើងគង់តែមានពេលជួបគ្នា នៅពេលវេលាមួយមិនខាន។

ហើយគាត់បានប្រាប់ខ្ញុំទៀតថា ​​ កូនត្រូវសិក្សាណាកណ្យាល
មិនត្រូវធ្វើជាក្មេងកោងកាន ត្រូវតែក្លាហានក្នុងជីវិត។

នេះជាអារម្មណ៍នឹកផ្ទះ​ណា អ្វីដែលបរិយាជាការពិត
និយាយមែនតទែនមិនប្រឌិត វាជាជីវិតរបស់ខ្ញុំ។