
In our Advanced Enrichment we learned about psychology. Psychology means how someone felt and how they changed their behavior and attitude. We learned about body language. Body language means how someone acted could tell other people by not speaking anything. We looked at the students and thought that students were introvert or extrovert people. Introvert means animals that don’t want to be loud they are just serene. Extrovert means animals that like to do fun things and be loud animals. Other things we learned were about optimism and pessimism. Optimism means thinking a good thing. Pessimism means thinking bad things like some people give up. We learned about positive and negative behavior. Example: when the mom played with the baby she was positive and the baby was happy, but when the mom was negative (it means the mom made the straight face) and then the baby was crying and trying to make the mom play with them. We learned about children’s behavior. When we gave chocolate to children and then we said if you eat chocolate it okay, but if children wait the teacher will give more chocolate. Some of the students ate the chocolate because they thought that the teacher was cheating them. Some of them waited because they wanted more chocolate to eat. We watched three videos. First video we watched was about two monkeys working together to open the box to get the foods to eat.​ Second video we watched was about human have two monkeys and they gave one monkey a grape and other monkey a cookie and how they behaved. Third video we watched was about two people played cards to cheat the monkey and how it behaved.

Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction_Algebra

Our group learns about Algebra. We started to learn about negative numbers and positive numbers. First we started to draw a number line about negative numbers and positive numbers. The other thing we do is graphing numbers. It is the biggest thing we need to learn. Sometimes on weekends we have a homework to do from the teacher because we need to work hard on graphing it. Other important areas are solving hard problems. Some of the problems that we can not do we can ask the best teacher. He will not tell you a answer. He will show you a way to do it easier, faster and correctly. The goal is know all the key words and solve a lot of hard problems. Here are the key words: Coordinate Grid means the equation about graphing on the papers. Linear Equations mean that used Y=mx+b to graph on the graph papers. Slope means Y=mx+b and mx is a slope. Intercept means the place that one line and one line touch each other. Variables mean the letters the represent the number. Solve means to do the equation.


Body System_Anatomy

Our group learned about Anatomy. First we started with learning about skeleton. The first thing we did was watch the video about skeleton. It is one strategy to learn about anatomy. The things that we learned about bones are: the longest bone in the body is femur and the smallest bone in our body is inside the ears. It is called stirrup.Then some students drew a body of one student and labeled it on the papers. It is another strategy to learn anatomy.We started to learn about muscular system. Muscular talks about muscles. The things that we learned about muscles are: the biggest muscle in the body is glutenous maximums and the smallest muscle in the body is also inside the ears. It is called stampedes. Then we played some games to make us remember about muscles. The teacher called the words and the students pointed on student’s body. The teacher said that pointed to the femur so we pointed to the femur and she called the students one by one.Then the last week of the class we had a test. The test was about what we learned before like: skeleton and muscles. The test was very hard but the students tried their best. Our goal is to know a lot about anatomy words and to answer the hard test or to get a lot of score.


Renewable Energy in Cambodia Description

In our Exploration class we had three things to work on. The first area was the solar system. The solar system is a resource that can create the energy from the sun. Solar has four types: solar panel, solar cooker, solar water heater and solar lamp. A solar panel is the solar thing that creates the energy to run the electricity. A solar cooker is the solar thing that creates the energy for cooking. A solar water heater is the solar thing the creates the energy to turn the normal water to the hot water. A solar lamp is the solar thing that creates the energy to light the house if that house doesn’t have the electricity. The next thing that we learned about was the biodigester. A biodigester is a natural system that can create biogas by using poo from the animals. Cow poo is the best. It has a lot of benefits. Example: (1) saving the money, (2) healthier than using firewood, (3) save a tree. The last thing that we learned was about hydroelectricity. Hydroelectricity is a thing that creates the energy by using water. It usually is built over the river. The biggest dam in the world is in China. Our goal was to make Cambodians know that all of these things can create energy. Also we wanted them to use these three things because they are good and can save a lot of money. We also had a trip too. The trip was to go to Kampong Speu. Our target was to install two biodigesters. We install them in Camkids and the orphanage called HAP because we wanted to make them easy instead of using the firewood. Both of the biodigesters cost $1100. When we went to to Kampong Speu we also taught some students too. We also slept at Kampong Speu too. We had good days when we were in Kampong Speu.


Tropical Forest Ecology

Our group had three important areas. Our group have been to Preh Vihear Province and Koh Kong province. We went to Preh Vihear  because we want to know about the ecosystem and everything else in Preh Vihear. We went to Koh Kong because we want to know about ecosystem at Koh Kong and we want to Compare the Ecosystem in Preah Vihear and Koh Kong how difference and how it the same. Then we started to compare the ecosystem in Koh Kong with ecosystem in Preah Vihear. We did that when we were in Koh Kong. We did that in Koh Kong because we had been to Preah Vihear so when we were in Koh Kong we could start to compare. Other areas were to try to answer all the essential questions. We did that at the end of the class because we knew a lot of things so we could answer. The next area was to learn a lot of main keywords. Here are the main keywords: climate (means the average weather in all year), sustainable  (means the action that don’t destroy the ecosystem), unsustainable (means the action that destroy the ecosystem), adaptation (means when the organisms fit themselves to the environment), ecosystem (means a community of living things connected to non- living things in an environment), mutualism (means good for you and good for me), commensalism (means good for you and no problem for me), parasitism (means good for you but bad for me), and regulation service (means ecosystem regulates (balance and control) many thing and humans benefit). Our group goal was to answer all of our essential questions.

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Our group picture

Community English

Our first opening Exploration was Community English. In Community English we learned how to prepare and teach lessons to other people. But before we taught we needed to find the people who want to learn with us. To find the students we went into the community. After we knew clearly who wanted to come and learn at Liger, we gave the permission to their parents. So all of their parents can trust us. Then they let their child come and learn at Liger.

After we knew exactly who would come to learn, we prepared the lesson for them. When we went to the community to find them we also asked them what do they want to learn and that’s how we can prepare the lesson. When we finished planning the lesson we practiced before teaching students. We practiced with each other in our class. Even if we practiced with each other it does not mean that we are expert or good at it. So we had a trip to two schools. The schools are Northbridge and ICAN. At ICAN we met with one woman named Kate. Kate and Jessica prepared the schedule for us and some ICAN students to tour us around. We went there because we wanted to get experiences from the teachers at their school. Two to three days after that we went to Northbridge. At the end of the Exploration we asked some of the students how they felt and what did they think about our teaching (if its good or not). We gave them the lessons for free.


VaPAC Description

My group name is VaPAC. It stands for Visual and Performing Arts Cambodia. Our group areas are trip, sign language and mask-making. First I want to talk about the trip. Our group trip was going to Kampot Province. We went there to learn about the Cambodian arts and the disabled people. When we went there we knew that the disabled people can communicate by using sign language. Sign language is so important for the disabled people. We also learned some sign language too. The disabled people can do arts too. They do it by using movement. The next area is mask-making. Our group made the own mask. The mask is made by the paper. It took a lot of time to make one mask. When we finished doing the mask-making we designed what it will look like. The design can be used for performing. It also can be used for sale and hang it on the wall. Our goal was to make the story and do it by using the movement. When we do the movement we can’t say anything.


Crisis Management Exploration

In our crisis Exploration we learned a lot of things that happen outside in the environment. Crisis is the bad thing that happens to people and is unsafe to people. Example: the cars are crashing or the train is falling. We learned about what is a natural disaster. Natural disasters are caused by nature. Natural disasters are: earthquakes, avalanches, and storms, for example. Then we talked about a volcano. A volcano is the mountain that has magma inside. When it is erupting out, the magma will turn to lava. Lava can make islands when it touches the cold place and it turns to the rock. Crisis management is how the aid workers help people when there is a crisis. One way they help is by evacuating people away. Example: when it has a flood, aid workers evacuate people out to the safe place. We also took a trip to share with the students at the government school at Takhmao City. We chose this school because this is the old school that two Liger students have learned at before. We taught the students who were in grades 5 and 6. We shared some things that we learned like floods, storms, earthquakes, and avalanches. The students werevery smart to answer the questions and understand the information.


Public Relations Exploration


In our Exploration class, we had three things to work on. The first area was global connections. Global connections mean that we share what we do at Liger with people around the world by using Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and blog. The first thing we used is Instagram because we can post the picture and caption to show what we do at Liger. The second area we practiced was literacy coaching. Literacy coaching is about teaching other students about literacy. This means when students need help to edit a blog or presentation we help them edit and give them some feedback or advice.The last is Presentation skills. The presentation skills we learned about are stance, eye contact, fidget, speed, and volume. Our goal was to share Liger to the world, have more people come to our Exploration Celebration and get more followers on Instagram.