Ministry Day

On 12/01/15 Liger Learning Center there a big event about sharing what special and sharing the Liger curriculum to 34 high school directors in Phnom Penh and some people from the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport. Every students have their own sections to presents about. I am working in Red room with the subject about STEAM activities. There also 5 other friends who working on STEAM activities. My speech is about the objective of sharing STEAM activities, introduction of the past STEAM event, painting challenge and built the boat challenge. In this section 90% of the sharing is in Khmer.

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Objective of sharing STEAM activities

To share practical ideas of STEAM activities for government schools.

  • Resource light activities across different ages and group sizes
  • Ways to motivate schools throughout the country to engage students
  • Ideas for on how to encourage communication and interaction between different schools
  • Examples of STEAM activities for Government School

Introduction of the past STEAM event

In Liger we do a lot STEAM activities. At the end of the November the a big events about STEAM activities that includes painting, performance, Rube Goldberg Machine, Scratch.

Painting Challenge

This is the painting challenge. Students were divided into groups and painting on the big painting board. Students have to includes at least two or more STEAM activities in their painting. For my team we includes technology and engineering. I felt really happy to join this events. This events giving me more skills about painting, working with my partner, thinking and creativity.

Build the boat challenge

  • Students use natural resources (sticks, leaves, rocks, no plastic) to build a boat
  • After designing and building their boats, students can compete to see which boat can float the longest or carry the heaviest weights
  • This activity is culturally relevant as boats are in important part of many peoples lives in Cambodia.
  • Learning outcomes include buoyancy and propulsion, and science, engineering, and art.


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I felt really happy that this events is happened. I share a lot about STEAM and I hope there will be other events that similar to this and I am sure that all the directors were proud of us too. 

my pic



Four Color Theorem

In mathematics, the four color theorem, or the four color map theorem, states that, given any separation of the plan into contiguous regions, production a figure called a map, no more than four colors are required to color regions of the map so that no two adjacent regions have the same color.Two regions are called adjacent if they share a common boundary that is not a corner, where corner, where corners are the points shared by three or more regions. For example, in the map of the United States of America, Utah and Arizona are adjacent, but Utah and New Mexico, which only share a point that also belongs to Arizona and Colorado, are not.

This is what we do on our Math class:

USA In Four Color

Present and Voting

In 2015, International School of Phnom Penh host a program called Model United Nation. Its my first time participating in it and I felt really nervous for it. But, after I did it, I felt so proud of myself. The event is so serious and I don’t really get use to it yet. I am the delegation of Greece and I am in the Junior General Assembly. 

Check out the video below in order to understand more about the difficult procedure in it. 



Traveling Different Places Teaches Me How To Appreciate My Province

This is a project in my literacy class. We are writing our own memoir story that related to our life and that change our life. For me, I learn to appreciate different places and especially, when I went to different places in Cambodia, I can find the differences between each places. 

I had put the story into a more stylish platform where everyone in the world can access to. If you want to read my stories, please click on the link below:



A Step Closer To Become A Magician

In the past seven weeks, I was working on learning some card tricks. I got inspired by one of my best friend, Nilroth, in doing magic. He know a lot of difficult card tricks and all of it are amazing. I wanted to be like him too, so I decided to take an independent discovery about it. In the course of seven weeks, I learn three different magic card tricks. 

Check the video out to see the video:

Card trick 1>


Card trick 2>


Card trick 3>