Mistakes Are Lesson_Somphors

In the past three weeks, I was working on writing a personal narrative essay about coming of age in my literacy class. I find it special because I can express and actually talking about my life through writing.


“I made a lot of mistakes, do you? I always taught by my teachers that mistakes are lesson and mistakes is your best teacher.” said Somphors.


One life lesson that I learned about coming of age is that we all make mistakes and every decisions we make don’t have to be perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Nicholas James Vujicic, an Australian motivational speaker, once said, “transforming walls into doors and changing obstacles into opportunities.” Turn your mistakes into success by understanding it and not to repeat it. I made a mistake, but I learned from it. I felt guilty for making mistakes, but I am also aware that making it is a part of every human lives. Despite my mistakes, my family still stand strong and support me.




Kinetic Vs. Static Friction

In the past few weeks, in physic class, we were learning about the Newton Laws, static equilibrium, and friction. On the Wednesday last week, we did a small lab that cover friction and most importantly, the coefficient of static friction. We would use different objects with different type of surface, and then set a paperclip box on it. We would record the angle when the bow start to move. We had a lot of fun while also learning new concepts. The lap ma look simple, but I enjoy doing it.   

Hard_Medium_Easy- AP Statistic

Math is one of most difficult subject for me. Math connected to everything in life. This is the sixth years learning in the Liger Leadership Academy. In math class, we are taking the college level course, AP statistic. It is very hard and it require a lot of time and effort. Now we are learning in chapter four which is about the two -way table. I start slow with it, but now, I am getting better and is moving a bit faster with the learning.

Dream Comes True_ ISPPMUN2017

Now, I have experienced and participated in four different Model United Nation (MUN) events. It is my third time to a part of the MUN that is hosting by the International School of Phnom Penh (ISPP). From time to time, I felt like I had gained more confidence and are becoming a better debater. This year in ISPPMUN, I was chosen to be the delegate, representing the United States of America in the Environment Assembly.

I love using scientific facts to support my arguments. This year in my MUN career, it has to be one of the hardest years of all. I am representing the United States, and are trying to argue other nations about the issues of climate changes. With the current “political” situation in America, I had to face so many other delegates, almost all, because of my current country position toward the topic. It required me to work so hard and do a lot of research. It took me so much time to research, that I ended up writing my opening speech two days before the events.

During the events, there are lots of stubble blocks; there are many strong debaters in my committee. I try so hard to defend my resolution and I was there on the podium many times. I always had a dream to be the best delegates in the committee.

Now, I had reached my goal. At the end of the events, I was nominated to be:

  1. The delegate that is most likely to be famous in the future.
  2. The delegate that is most likely to become the next Secretary General of the United Nations.  

“Do all you can to make your dream come true”_Joel Osteen

This I Believe My Love In Playing Basketball_Literacy Project


Basketball is love, and basketball is life. It is my passion and it means everything to me. The court with the basket is my home. I believe in playing basketball.


The ball and I share an unsplittable bond. During the practises and games, the ball might go off my hands, but instead, that is what making me wanted to get it back. When I have the ball in my hands, I would be like a chicken chasing predator away to protect it chicks.


“I guard the ball, guard your man guys, get set. ” I really loves how we communicate closely together in playing basketball. When we play together, we are in one family even though we are not that closed outside of the court. We speaks to each other, while giving suggestion and giving feedback. I had never ever felt so comfortable and warm in playing other sport except playing this. “Keep it up, go, you can do this, and don’t worry about taking shot.” Those encouraging words is what brings everyone together as a team and stand up against the other. Those positive words is what moving us forward with confidence and collaboration. Those empowering words is what making us individual a better players. I believe that these are not just words, but the hidden meaning of loves deeply inside it, is what making it so special and yes through playing basketball.   


I am not only playing basketball, but what make it more special to me is that, I am also watching basketball, the National Basketball Association (NBA). I am a young fan of the Golden State Warriors which is in the west conference. Usually, I spend my free time watching my team played and trying to follow the style that my idol Wardell Stephen Curry did with his shooting, passing, faking, and dribbling. It has really inspired me to play more and most important, is to practise more and setting my own goal of becoming a better player in the future. I remember one time when the Warriors play against Utah Jazz and the time remaining less than one second then he just make a shoot back at the half court and beat the buzzer. After watching that shoot, I really want to become like him one day which make me more an ambitious person and not afraid with missed shot. One time he said “ I can’t say enough, how important my faith is to how I play the game and who I am.” I have been heard many quotes similar to this, but I think that this quote is the most special. Playing and watching basketball means so much to me and I believe that basketball is part of my identity.


I never ever going to forget the memories of playing basketball. I used to be so frustrated before playing, and after training and when I stepped out of the court, I forget all the sadness and bad things happening to me. I forget about the doing my stressful homework that may lift my grade up to at least 90% in average. I forget about my best friends borrowing my money which making so mad when their haven’t returned it yet. I forget about my brother eating my apple without asking when I left it in the fridge. I forget about doing my house chores and accepted blames from my housemate. I forget about everything. The one things that I am going to do is finding my socks and putting on my tennis shoes. Then running to the court, grab a ball and practise my shooting. I used to be so afraid of making shot. In practise, I try so hard to make shot again and again. Every weekend, I at least spend 2-3 hours practising shooting. I fall, my arms hurt, I made ugly shot, but I still moving on. I believe that the passion and effort I’ve put in playing this is what lift me back up. I started to make good shot, and better handle with the ball. This is not only my passion, but it is my safe zone. I love when I make a basket, and my coach yelled, “Bucket, let’s go Somp.” I can’t say this enough, and I love everything about basketball. I believe in my love in basketball.



Independent Discovery- Math and Khanacademy

For every Tuesday 1:00 to 2:00 pm I have a class called the Independent Discovery. I used this class to worked on math questions, prepare for math quiz, working on Khanacademy, learning for the upcoming lessons. This class is really helpful for me because I learned more about math and I feel more prepared when ever there is an random upcoming quiz.

This is just a simple example of a activities I did:


Games Around the World

This is the Exploration about Games around the world. In the seventh weeks I am working on gathering different games from different countries around the world by sending google form to schools and do a online research. Our goal is to make a blog and share all the different games people play, including the rules, the number of people needed and step by step instructions.

We get learn different games from different part of the world. Every game has it uniqueness that encompass the fun, collaborate, determination, and critical thinking. I felt so happy to learn all those games and is honored to share it to other people through making a blog. 

50 Change Agents

In the literacy class, we are learning about different type of poems. This is a sonnet poem that talk about the 50 change agents of Cambodia. 


There are 50 students stay at Liger.
Menghuoth, Vornsar, Panha, Sokea, Rithy
Somphors, Kimseng, Marady, Samnang girl
Rathanak, Sreyneang.o, Seyha, Hongly

Davith, David, Dalin, Sreynith, Vannou
Vattey, Sythong, Mengthong, Visal, Kanha
Chimean, Puthea, Maya, Liday, Vitou
Sammy, Niron, Nilroth, Neat, Malika

Samady, Sopor, Sreypich, Neang, Theara
Makara, Chhoue, Sophat, Sopheak, Nary
Sreyleap, Thiny, Souyeth, Venghour, Ketya
Lux we almost forget Mr. Vuthy

All the students really enjoy Liger
With all the staffs and facilitators.

So Sorry About It

In Khmer class, we learn different ways to write different type of letter. We learn how to write a request, happy, sad and other letter in Khmer. As an example, this is the letter from me to my friends depressingly that her brother passed away. 




បូ ចាន់មិនា កល្យាណមិត្ត

 ក្នុងនាមខ្ញុំផ្តាល់និងជាមិត្តរួមថ្នាក់ ព្រមទាំងជាមិត្តរួមសាលាខ្ញុំបាទសូមសំដែងនូវសេចក្តីសោកស្តាយយ៉ាងធំធេង ចំពោះការបាត់បង់ប្អូនប្រុសកាណារបស់មិត្ត។ រូបខ្ញុំសូមសំដែងនូវការក្រៀមក្រំនិងចូលរួមរំលែកទុក្ខជាមួយក្រុមគ្រួសាររបស់មិត្តផង។

ភ្ជាប់មកជាមួយនិងលិខិតនេះ ខ្ញុំបាទចូលចាប់មគ្គផលក្នុងការធ្វើបុណ្យបញ្ជូនកុសលផលបុណ្យទៅប្អូនប្រុសចំនួន៥ពាន់រៀល។ សូមព្រលឹងប្អូនប្រុសអញ្ជើញទៅកាន់សុគតិភពកុំបីខាន។



កំពង់ស្ពឺ ថ្ងៃទី២០ ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ២០១៥



Liger Senior’s Cookbook

In this class, we are working on creating a cookbook that can be use in our school. Soon, the seniors will cook their own meal and this book will be so helpful for them. 

I am working on designing the book layout. After the recipes crew finish cooking, they will send us the final recipes in a paper form, then I will put them in the book. We started the book with Blurb Bookwright. After we put the recipes in the book then I will receive the photo from the photography group. Everyday I receive about 150-200 photos. My challenge is to choose the specific and the best photos of the recipes out of 100 photos. In the book the layout is similar. There the main title, ingredients, directions, cool tips, history, nutritional facts, main photo, other photo. Each week our whole team came together and review the whole book (is the layout good or not). After 3-4 week we just find out the is really hard to print the book in Cambodia using the program Blurb Book-wright, so we decided to print our book in Adobe In-design. So, I need to transform the file into Adobe In-design. 

I am really proud of myself that I can be apart of this team with creating the amazing cookbook that would benefit me and the others.  



I really love cooking and tasting the food.

Making the Veggie Cake
Making the Veggie Cake
The Final Product of Veggie Cake